Yesterday, there was a tragic shooting at UCC.
10 people died, and there are at least 9 people injured in the hospital.
This is a horrible thing, and I do not by any means advocate it’s happening. Taking your rage out on other human beings is wrong.
Having said that; I think that we need to address one of the causes of the issue, not the symptoms.
Society has been taking a massive dump on heterosexual men since the early 2000’s.
I grew up during the beginning of this, “strong, independent woman who don’t need no man” movement. It has caused an incredible amount of confusion and pain throughout my life.
When I would come home from school after being called a faggot for giving a friend a hug, I was told to talk to the teacher. The bullying intensified.
When my family had torn itself apart and I had had my reality flipped on its teeth, society told me tell people how I was feeling. My friends abandoned me. I became invisible.
When I had asked the people I looked up to how to talk to girls, they told me to be nice and be, “myself”.
Society has a massive cognitive dissonance today about what it thinks it wants, and what actually brings happiness and success.
What I’ve learned since those darker times of my life, and what has contributed to genuine joy at BEING, is that masculine traits are necessary in life.
I learned to own myself.
I give my love to everyone I meet. If they think it’s odd, I brush it off and tell them that this is how I do things. They accept that ownership and hug back like friends do.
I learned to manage my own emotions.
I am the, “have it together” rock that my friends regularly turn to for guidance through their own difficult times. I have a tribe that I watch after and take care of. We help each other grow.
I learned that people tell you to be nice because being nice is simply the lack of personal boundaries.
That, “douche” in high school that I was jealous of simply knew what he wanted with his life and wasn’t afraid to ensure he got it. I’ve since determined what people I want to be surrounded by, and what situations I will tolerate in my own life; and now I have grown beyond my years.
Society has decided that having self-owning leaders that watch after others and proactively live their lives is too dangerous to be let loose. Society has made the active decision to stagnate.
It’s wrong.
Help change it. You will save lives.
The only way that virtue and innovation will continue is if we celebrate what brings it.
Here are some resources that have helped me become who I am:
Here are the People I had mentioned on twitter:
Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero)
Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich)
Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse)
Please reach out to me at brandon@logiccentralonline and I would be glad to help you through this time. If I cannot I will find great men who can.
We are here for you guys.