Hey there Latineers! The time of year has come round again to gather at Penn State for an epic weekend of fun, camaraderie, and competition. The weather has turned from bleak grey skies and chilly gusts, to the blue sun-filled warmth of the oncoming summer. You’ve just finished your delicious lunches, and began the long Read More
Archives for May 2015
“I don’t need a social network”
Now a ’days it seems that a social network exists for everything. Is everyone so incompetent that they can’t seem to get it right without soliciting opinions and input from everyone else in the world? What about us competent, systematic people who just figure it out on our own? We can find the information when Read More
Wisdom of the Week 11 – Seneca
Yo guys! Welcome to our weekly exploration of the mind, Wisdom of the Week! This week I’ve been thinking about enjoying the processes in life with the great Stoic philosopher, Seneca. “Wild animals run from the dangers they actually see, and once they have escaped them worry no more. We however are tormented alike Read More
Wisdom of the Week 10 – Ovid
Hello my friends, and welcome to this Wisdom of the Week, in which we discuss two quotes of Ovid’s, telling us to rest well! “What is without periods of rest will not endure.” “Take rest; a field that has rested gives a beautiful crop.” In my experience of life, I’ve learned that it is Read More
The Real Reason We Study History
I was just having a conversation with Chris in which he had brought up this pattern in society that we’ve been paying attention to lately that is a massive speeding up of everything. Social media posts shorten to 140 characters, music speeds up, movies are action-action-action and little plot. The entire world is losing its Read More
Wisdom of the Week 9 – Charles Swindoll
Hello friends and welcome back to this WOTW in which we discuss a quote of the famous pastor, Charles Swindoll. “Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.” So the mentality that this quote creates is one of my absolute favorite mindsets to inhabit. It’s basically a perfectly succinct Read More