Before I begin, a movement has now started with the hashtag #NISIS (Non-Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), so to start, lets use this hashtag to spread the word about what ISIS really is. Over 300 people lost their lives last week with over millions of lives affected; all in the name of control. Read More
Archives for November 2015
How to Remember Names
Remembering people’s names is one of the biggest things that everyone knows they should work on, but is incredibly hard to learn. Fortunately for us, it is a skill, just like writing, lifting, and anything else that you can consistently train and develop. When I had first gone to university, I had made it my Read More
To Judge a Man by His Belongings: A Homeless Account
Life, is not all that easy. It can be going smooth as a midnight lake, then without warning, it turns to a swirling whirlpool that slowly drags you down. In other cases, the ground on which you stand on may give out, opening up a dark abyss in which you hit rock bottom immediately, leaving Read More
How to Talk to Anyone, Anywhere, at Anytime
Smile. If a smile is returned, you know that they are, at the very least, open to a conversation. Simply say, “Hey, how are you today?” Ask them their name and introduce yourself. Remember to practice either breaking or neutral vocal rapport, as we learned in the, “Be Your Ideal Self” video. I find it Read More
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Hijabies
It takes twice the amount of time to get ready. Just because we are covered by a scarf, it doesn’t mean we are not supposed to look good. We pick an outfit, and then go through our laundry load of hijabs to find the one that matches. You add your hijab caps if you wear Read More
The 3 Questions You MUST Answer to Get What You Want out of Life
This article is designed to take you through the process of introspective questions you must ask yourself in order to achieve what you want out of life. You can take these three questions and apply them to whatever situation you can desire in life, and they will help guide your path. The example in this outline Read More
The Importance of a Positive Mental Attitude
The way you talk to yourself is the difference between those who are successful and the rest of humanity. Is, “can’t” a part of your diction? Do you talk to yourself the same way you would a close friend who needs help, or even a mentee? No. Instead, you lock yourself in your mind Read More