Remembering people’s names is one of the biggest things that everyone knows they should work on, but is incredibly hard to learn. Fortunately for us, it is a skill, just like writing, lifting, and anything else that you can consistently train and develop. When I had first gone to university, I had made it my Read More
Why Nice Guys Always Lose
Nice Guys lose because they put others before themselves. When I was younger, I had been taught that you should always help people. I took this to the point at which I would help at the expense of my own personal wellbeing. If you are running a race, are you going to push someone in Read More
How to Write a Song That Will Speak to You and Others for Years to Come
One of the biggest processes I’ve been asked by aspiring musicians and curious non-musicians alike, is how a song comes together. What is the process involved; and how can I do this myself? Sometimes it’s written out and outlined, like you would a book; and other times, it’s somewhat of a random process. Sometimes it’s Read More
How to Build Meaningful Friendships
There’s an old quote that goes, “Blood is thicker than water.” What the hell is water? The real quote is, “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.” The family that you choose throughout your life, not the family you happen to be born into, is the family that will Read More
It’s OK to be Male
Yesterday, there was a tragic shooting at UCC. 10 people died, and there are at least 9 people injured in the hospital. This is a horrible thing, and I do not by any means advocate it’s happening. Taking your rage out on other human beings is wrong. Having said that; I think that we need Read More
Understanding Emotions Through the Stories in Sound
As a Street Performer, I’ve often hear the question, “What is music to you?” In a direct approach to this, one might simply reply, “Music is an arrangement of different notes, often formed around a poem, in a way that is pleasing to the ear.” This answer is certainly a true statement, however, I feel as Read More
How To Become Your Ideal Self
“Just be yourself” Last week, I had posted a video about How to Date in High School. One of the most recurring comments I had received was that you shouldn’t worry about all of these details in dating, but rather you should just, “be yourself”. Malarkey. Being yourself is great. As long as you are Read More
Can My Personality Type Be A Leader?
How many of us have asked ourselves this question? Often as I read about what people call a leader, I would start to think that I do not have any of those traits. Lately, I have watched what appears to be a debate in which everyone is expounding upon their idea of which personality traits Read More
How To Date In High School
I’ve been thinking a lot about the things that I wish I knew in high school lately. I’ve come up with a ton of ideas that I will be sharing with you guys in the coming weeks, but the most prominent thought that came into my head was that of girls and dating. Dating Read More
7 Steps to Finding Your Vision or Path in Life – Part 7
What Situations Make Me Feel Alive? Many people forget about taking care of themselves. We progress through adulthood forgetting that we learned as children to just have some fun. Since enjoyment is one of the pivotal areas to fulfilling human success, and we often forget to plan for enjoyable things, I have placed it as a Read More