Chris Krimitsos (Story Jam Theatre – Unexplored Niches in Podcasting)
- Why Niches
- Collab
- Audience Share
- Joint Venture
- Idea share
- Build Communities
- Key Niche Areas
- Evergreen content
- News
- News sites are waiting for a podcast
- Any Local Culture
- 100 free and almost free to do around town
- Local food scene
- Local information (What’s going on over the weekend?)
- Sports
- Running is a big big niche
- Anything to do with water
- High school
- 5 Case Studies Of Monetization
- 100MBA
- Teaches people how to test a business idea out for USD100
- Takes the fear out of trying your thing
- The 80/20 Rule
- The 80/20 podcast
- Help you cut out the 80% of non-productive work and focus on the 20%
- Can be any ##/##
- The 80/20 podcast
- John Lee Dumas’ Webinar Course
- Batch series that is a full course about how to design webinars.
- Totally free, but drives people to his other products.
- Evergreen content
- Tim the Paige
- Runs the ConversionCast
- LeadPages’ official podcast
- You are able to do podcasts for other people’s pages/audiences
- Build a Network
- You don’t necessarily have to have a podcast, but you can manage a network of shows that own a niche
- Build Topics around areas of interest
- History Shows
- Dan Carlin
- Similar model to Mosh
- Put a certain number of podcasts up as they come out, then take older ones down and monetize them.
- Criminal shows
- Similar model to Mosh
- Dan Carlin
- History Shows
- Runs the ConversionCast
- 100MBA
- Tl;dr: It is better to begin very niche, and grow out of your niche; than to begin broad and try to scoop up an audience.
Tim Sinclair (RINGR – How the RINGR App Helps Podcasters)
- RINGR is an app that provides quality audio for interviews.
- How to be a good host
- Be yourself^2
- Be a personality
- You need to be slightly larger than in person
- Exaggerate yourself
- What makes the app sound so good?
- Each device records on its own end, and then the software merges the file and puts it on the cloud.
- Do both sides have to download the app to use it?
- Yes, however you can send invite emails through the app.
- If they have the app, it will send them a code that will bring them directly to the call.
- Future plans to include external mics?
- Will be worked on as soon as android rolls out.
- How many calls can you record?
- At the moment, it is 1 to 1, but in the future, conference calls will be viable
- Will the app be integrated to desktops for studio use?
- ATM, no. Not even on the timeline, but it is something that they want to integrate in the future.
- Tl;dr: RINGR is a revolutionary app that will allow for quality interviews by recording each source audio and synthesizing them.
Josh Elledge (Savings Angel – How to Earn a Full Time Income Podcasting)
- “The whole nature of why podcasting is so effective is BECAUSE it’s so intimate.”
- Sharing intimate stories and inviting people into your life.
- What is the job of a podcaster?
- “the #1 reason most podcasters fail is because they’re podcasting.”
- “the #1 reasons podcasters will succeed is because they’re growing their podcasting business.”
- What does a podcaster do all week?
- Spend twice as much time growing the business side of your podcast.
- What activity makes you money?
- Tell people the intimate stories behind the making of the products and services that you made.
- Make it feel more like including the listeners in your life than a commercial.
- You can ask for donations.
- Patreon
- Hard model to use, because people often aren’t in a place to be able to easily donate.
- Advertising
- CPM model
- Cost per mile
- 25USD per show isn’t really all that grand
- Even if you have 5000 listeners, that’s only 125USD per show
- Package model
- Advertise everywhere
- Web + Email + Social media + Podcast
- Invite your advertisers onto your show to make content together.
- Don’t make commercials, inform your audience instead.
- People don’t want to be sold, they want knowledge
- Business want direct results and so give your customers links to your advertisers page.
- Where do you find good podcasting advertisers?
- Look through your existing networks
- Go to professional conferences in your industry
- You give advertisers CONNECTION
- Its intimate time together with your audience.
- Your directly injecting your personality into their noggins
- Podcasting success checklist
- Become a professional podcast business owner
- Work your guts out producing a great, unique show
- Become exceptionally talented at podcasting
- Build your network
- CPM model
- Patreon
- Tell people the intimate stories behind the making of the products and services that you made.
- Tl;dr: Build a connection with your audience, offer them valuable information, and create content TOGETHER with your sponsors.
Niel Guilarte (All Things Post – Harnessing “MOMENTUM” for Profits)
- ATP Audience – Post Production Professionals
- Primary Objectives
- Identify online real estate and social media opportunities that can be leveraged to create a sponsor package
- “Take your show on the road.” Create live events and revenue streams to monetize your podcast.
- Realise your potential
- Your show
- Is more than a “show”
- Is an educational opportunity
- Is a source of entertainment
- Can change lives
- Influences listeners in your niche/genre
- Sponsor Expectations
- Engage a targeted audience introducing THEIR brand via your influence in the market
- Create brand loyalty
- Generate interest and physical sales via your affiliation
- TANGIBLE results
- Identify and create your individual sponsor package
- What does this do for my show?
- Builds the platform that will support your live event marketing and promotions
- Shows the potential listeners your sponsor affiliations via branding and/or promotions (Discounts)
- How do I develop my package?
- Identify online real estate on your website
- Create real estate opportunities by building ad design options on your page for high visibility.
- Brand individual episodes with your sponsor logos
- Use your facebook banner as real estate
- Dedicated posts for sponsor messaging
- Sell the momentum of your show
- Attract sponsors using the newly created real estate
- Don’t focus on download numbers
- Live events
- Record panel discussions as “live shows”
- Charge at the door
- Barter for locations, food, assets, and more
- Sponsors pay for placement of their logo
- ‘Welcome to the Night Vale’ = US podcast tour
- Create spaces in your niche in each city for your audience to get together.
- What does this do for my show?
- Your show
- Tl;dr: You can generate revenue for your show by creating an event out of it. Take your show on the road. Build #momentum
Steve Cherubino (The Podfather – Selling Courses & T-shirts Via Podcasting)
- Merch
- “Spaceballs the Flamethrower!”
- com
- Print on demand website; basically merchandise createspace
- Gets a little expensive, but is good quality
- com
- Same as Zazzle
- Here’s what the podfather did
- com
- Crowdsell t-shirts
- Your listeners want to wear your brand. You are their clique
- Set a goal for number sold
- Set Campaign Length
- Launch
- Tell your listeners we have x days to sell x t-shirts.
- If you make it, teespring does it really cheaply
- If you don’t, they aren’t made
- PrintAura
- Print on demand
- Hosted on YOUR website
- Udemy – Academy of You
- Create your own classes
- Udemy markets for you
- If they sell a copy, they take 50% of the revenue
- If you sell a copy, you take 100% of the revenue
- You can still create your own classes too.
- Kajibi is another great platform to make online courses
- com
- Tl;dr Your audience wants to represent your brand, teespring is a fun way to build #momentum, and provide good merch.
Panel Discussion:
- Glenn: I don’t sell the numbers, I sell the sizzle.
- Every buyer has that 20% that are their buyers; we have that 20%.
- How do I know that?
- Our listeners have to go through so much to get to us. They’re ENGAGED listeners.
- They have to search it, find it, download it, and the LISTEN to it.
- How do I know that?
- Every buyer has that 20% that are their buyers; we have that 20%.
- Glenn: “Do you actively seek out your sponsors, or do they come to you?” You wish they come to you. You need to go out and find them, and then later some will come.
- HRN goes to trade shows and offers to be the official radio network of the show. They pick up sponsors at every show from the attraction of being the official broadcaster.
- John: We talked a lot about how to directly monetize your show, but we’ve left out how to indirectly use your show to drive your listeners to your other things as a sort of lead generation for your products, classes, services.
- Katie: Create affiliate partnerships with your sponsors. Promote their things, talk about how great they are, inform your community about products they can use.
- Josh: I’m not a big fan of interruptive advertising
- Invite your sponsors to the chair
- Katie: invites her sponsors’ marketing people to have a 2 and a half minute spot in which they give a tip an episode
- Ads are now all about branded content, not commercials anymore = Native Advertising
- Katie on how to segue her ads: “hey, here’s a word from our sponsor” buffered by music on both ends.
Katie Krimitsos (Biz Women Rock – Community Building Via Podcasting and Social Media)
- Downloads vs. Listeners
- Download = a number on a chart. Graphed when somebody, or thing clicks play.
- Listener = a repeat downloader.
- Engage listeners on your show
- Ask
- Ask them to email you, comment on the show, review you.
- Segment on the Show
- Biz women Wednesday – Highlight a community member
- Read emails, reviews, comments, social media shout outs. Give your listeners love. = Pavlovian training to increase interaction in the hopes of getting on the show. Also shows you care about your people.
- Get your listeners to a place at which your relationship can build
- Start a fb group
- Direct access to listeners
- 24/7 communication
- Platform for listeners to share their thoughts
- Building your Foundation
- How will you add value
- Decide what you are, and what you are not
- Create your own culture
- How?
- Create guidelines for your group
- BWR Connect Guidelines
- Invite Brand Ambassadors
- Invite your listeners
- Talk about it on your show, emails, social meds
- Create a special day for promoting
- Experiment with creative daily themes
- Post at least once a day
- Create guidelines for your group
- Go for engagement
- Ask your brand ambassadors to post
- Ask questions people want to answer
- Contest for best post of the week
- Positive reinforcement for great posts
- Post Videos
- Tag people
- Anyone you mention in the show
- Anyone who is relevant to a show
- Shout out to people who comment on your website
- Make graphics with good quotes from your show
- Use, a link shortener, to track clicks
- Make a survey and send it to your listeners with personal messages
- Offer Products/Services
- Rules:
- You can’t spam your own non-spam group
- Books
- Merch
- Services
- Promotions should be 10% of your posts
- Rules:
- How?
- Start a fb group
- Ask
- Tl;dr: The name of the game is not to build up downloads, but a community listeners that appreciate who you are.
Shawn Smith ( – Mobile recording on the GO)
- 3 Reasons to Record Pro-Quality Podcast Interviews on your Iphone
- Less Expensive
- Training
- Equipment
- Less Complicated
- More Access to more People and Powerful Moments
- Less Expensive
- Advantages of podcasting
- Small file sizes
- Group interviews
- Capture powerful moments
- Intimate
- Who are these mobile podcast set ups for?
- Current podcasters that want to take their show on the road
- New podcasters that want to get started without the massive cost of a studio
- What is pro quality audio?
- CD quality or 16bit, 44.1hz
- Having pro quality audio for you show will set you far apart from the majority.
- Why not use a digital recorder?
- Pros
- High quality audio
- Small
- Easy to use
- Cons
- Condenser mic
- Omni directional
- Sensitive
- Pop filter/Screen
- Requires Quiet spaces
- Less mic options
- $100-600
- Batteries
- Chargers
- Cables
- Memory cards
- Condenser mic
- For Loud Recording spaces
- Conventions
- Outdoors
- Coffee shops
- Use a DYNAMIC microphone (carotid)
- Pros
- Auphonic – Android app
- Bossjock – iOS app
- Tl;dr: Mobile Podcasts are less expensive, less complicated, and capture powerful moments you can’t miss.
John Dennis (Smart Time Online – How to Build a Successful Sales Funnel)
- Content Drives the Journey
- Awareness
- Trust
- Education
- Engagement
- Conversion
- How do you fill the gaps^??
- 7 Step Podcasting Plan
- Step 1
- Find a primary objective for your podcast
- Convert listeners into customers?
- Fill a Paid Mastermind?
- Get Sponsors for your show?
- Have an optimistic objective
- Have it quantifiable
- Have short and long term objectives
- “Will my listeners benefit from what I’m doing?”
- Find a primary objective for your podcast
- Step 2
- Create Attention Grabbing Episohd Titles
- Udemy classes
- Search “digital marketing”
- Filter by popularity
- Observe great titles
- Step 3 – “What happens after someone listens to my episohds?
- Craft a CLEAR and CONCISE Call-to-Action for every episode
- Put your CTA at the middle and/or the end
- Begin the conversation continuum (ongoing relationship)
- Make it 100% about your listeners
- Make it so compelling, it attracts listeners to your offer
- Step 4
- Create a Lead Magnet For Your Listeners
- Promise one big thing
- Speak to a known desired end result
- Offer immediate gratification
- Make it easy to get
- Has highly perceived value
- State the Value
- Already have one?
- Make another one
- Step 5
- Create a Listener Nurture Series
- Welcome email (Deliver on your lead magnet promise, explain what to expect as a sub, remove the digital barrier (invite to reply))
- 3-5 follow up emails that offer massive value
- Demonstrate that you have value
- At the end of the sequence, move from Nurture list to General/Sales list
- TIP: At the end of every email, tell your sub what the next day’s email subject line will be
- Will significantly boost open rates
- Step 6
- Use the right marketing tools
- AWeber
- MailChimp
- WordPress
- HootSuite
- Buffer
- ClarityFM – consulting website (Charge per minute)
- LeadPages –
- Text “PODCASTER” to 33444 to receive John’s slides
- Take Action In Support of Your Objective
- Whatever your objective is, don’t forget to continue to nurture it.
- Use the right marketing tools
- Create a Listener Nurture Series
- Create a Lead Magnet For Your Listeners
- Craft a CLEAR and CONCISE Call-to-Action for every episode
- Udemy classes
- Create Attention Grabbing Episohd Titles
- Step 1
- Tl;dr: GUIDE your listeners through a value filled nurturing process from awareness to conversion.
Our weekend at the Florida Podfest was incredible. Thank you to everyone for being so kind and informative. I am so glad to be a part of this podcasting family.