Jared Easley (Keynote Speaker – The Podcast Movement)
- Vanilla Ice Rap – epic
- What Podcasters can learn from Ice Ice Baby
- Stop, Collaborate, and Listen
- Stop
- Listening to those negative voices telling you that you CAN’T
- Starve the Doubts
- You don’t have to be the expert.
- You can INTERVIEW the experts.
- Be the Noticer
- Notice people that need to be noticed
- Just give genuine messages of appreciation and thoughts on other peoples’ things.
- Stop Chasing Influencers
- Be your authentic self.
- You actually are enough.
- Stop what’s NOT working
- ex.) People That Know Their Shit
- Stop judging a book by it’s cover
- You don’t have to be the expert.
- Collaborate
- Holiday Mashup
- Multiple shows
- Series in which you rotate formats of each others’ shows.
- Listen
- To those closest to you
- Holiday Mashup
- Tl;dr: If you have an idea, take the initiative to follow it through. Starve the doubts, because you are enough.
Steve Cherubino (The Podfather – Using Equipment effectively)
- Equipment
- Samsung Q2U Recording Pack = Starter Kit
- Blue Yeti = Beginner Level
- Shure SM7B80 = Mid Level
- Heil PR40 = Pro Level
- Where to get it?
- Guitar Center
- Sam Ash
- Amazon
- Audio Interface = Mixer
- Focusrite 2i2
- Presonus Audiobox
- Avid Fast Track Duo
- Headphones = You want to hear the best quality so that you can guarantee the best quality
- com
- Software
- Audacity = Free Recording Software – Starter kit
- Stagelight – next level, basically Camtasia
- FM = Pro Level Music Studio
- Video Podcasting
- Actual Cannon Camera, no shoddy webcam
- Tl;dr: podcasting starter kit = Samsung Q2U microphone, Focusrite 2i2 mixer box, any Wall of Fame microphone from www.innerfidelity.com
QUESTION: Where to get music?
- AudioJungle
- Pond5
Donald Kelly (The Sales Evangelist)
- Using Keywords to maximize itunes exposure
- Why are you doing a podcast?
- Value
- How are you bringing value?
- Treat others the way that THEY would like to be treated.
- Keywords
- Who are your people?
- Why do they want to find my stuff?
- Answer these questions
- Title: Three|Fitting|Keywords
- Description: include big keywords in your description.
- Episode names: make the name a simple keyword (Photography)
- Frequency helps with ranking.
- Get Ratings and Reviews
- Invite people to subscribe
- Get the hell off of iTunes and go meet up with your ideal audience
- Tl;dr: “Treat others the way THEY would like to be treated, not just the way you would.”
- Reviews: Find a fb group related to you. Have the mod on your show. Have HIM promote your stuff.
Jessica Rhodes (How to Book the Unbookable Guest)
- Create a very clear plan ahead of time
- An entire format thought out beforehand.
- Launch date
- What makes a great guest?
- What is your podcasting goal?
- What is most valuable to your audience?
- What’s their online presence?
- Are they producing content for their audience?
- Are they blogging, podcasting, producing content already for other people?
- Are they actively engaged in social media?
- Celebs sometimes aren’t the greatest guests
- Great guests to grow your numbers
- People don’t want to hear the interviews from the biggest people multiple times in a row.
- The biggest people don’t want to annoy their followers all of the time with more and more interviews.
- Great guests aren’t necessarily the biggest name in the industry, but rather are well connected to you, and they know their stuff.
- If you have 200+ people listening to each podcast, you’re in the top 10% of podcasters.
- The Greatest guests have a really engaged audience.
- Success with cold email?
- Keep your pitched personalized
- Begin talking about their stuff
- Let them know why you want them on your show
- Tell them what about their story is interesting to you.
- Be Confident and Assertive, and follow up until you get a yes or no.
- Great guests to grow your numbers
- Tl;dr: Look NOT for the biggest name guest in your industry, but those with the tightest, most engaged audiences.
Clicktotweet.com = tool to send interviewees links to post
- Give your guests an easy way to share your stuff.
John Lee Dumas (Building a Loyal Audience)
- How do you build an engaged fanbase?
- Define your avatar = the one perfect listener that you focus your conversations towards.
- Curse of knowledge
- Never assume your audience knows what you’re talking about. You’re here to teach your audience your stuff.
- Put yourself in your avatars feet.
- Voice
- People intuitively understand voice
- People can hear your passion … or lack thereof in your talks. If you’re interested, you’re interesting….
- “If you’re bored; you’re boring. If you’re interested, you’re interesting.”
- Tl;dr: When you are making your podcast, speak to your avatar; that ONE perfect listener that embodies your clique.
Tom Rossi (Buzzsprout – Podcasting Stats)
- Buzzsprout stats
- Playcount – the mother of all statistic data
- Digging too far into the minutia can lead you down rabbit holes and cause you to make decisions based off of statistically irrelevant data.
- There is no use looking at stats until you have defined what success is to you.
- There are only 6 worthwhile q’s stats can answer
- How many plays do my episohds have?
- Is this above or below my current average?
- Ebola dr podcast play number bump
- How are people listening to your podcast?
- What device/browser are they listening on?
- Where are people listening?
- How many plays can I expect for my next episohd?
- Tl;dr: When looking at your stats, define for yourself; “What is MY success?”