Welcome back, everybody, to New Cyber Frontier! Today we are going over Dr. Gorog’s trip he went on, to share the IEEE Digital Privacy initiative all over the world. In late June, he made multiple stops in Canada, Singapore, Milan Italy, Vienna Austria, Hungary Budapest, and Bristol England. During his trip, he spoke at different events and conferences including: (I.T.S) Intelligent Transportation Systems, Securing Privacy, and a Privacy-enhancing conference. Digital Transformation has been on the horizon for quite some time now, and we are digging deeper into how the world is shifting more towards Digital and virtual instead of Physical. For a new Generation, this can impact the workforce, it can assemble or destroy a good amount of certain jobs that we have today. This also raises the question, if everything is digital, how much of your private data is owned by you? Maintaining control and security over your data in a digital world is an essential part of our future. Tune in today to see how Digital Transformation will impact your future!
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Previous Episodes:
NCF-351 Contrasting Consumer Security NeedsNCF-350 Modernizing for the Future: NCF-349 Colorado Cyber-Tech Startup Capital NCF-348 Cybersecurity Takes flight
NCF-347 Cyber Physical Security
NCF-346 Escalating Effectual DevOps
NCF-345 Sustainability of Cybersecurity in the AI Era
NCF-344 Protecting your Data Wealth
NCF-343 Post Digital Transformation Philosophy
NCF-342 On the 2024 Cyber Frontier
NCF-339 New Frontier of Individual Empowerment