Welcome back everybody to New Cyber Frontier. In this episode, we have our three hosts Shawn Murray, Tim Montgomery, and Dr. Gorog recapping this last year and discussing the plans for 2024. Dr. Murray covers what he sees as the key events in 2023 with significant legislation for privacy in a variety of states and more definement around responses to and requirements around breaches. Examples are state legislation taking the initiative in Illinois to protect the privacy of biometric data. Many other states are slowly passing laws to protect digital footprint and data. In 2024 some people are asking, instead of just protecting my data, can I switch to the offensive against some of these cyber attacks? This has a multitude of problems and Dr. Gorog explains it perfectly. “The solution is not to make the victim become the attacker because of preemptive striking and the confusion about which one is the attacker and who is the actual victim.” If you do not want to miss the future of Cybersecurity, tune in to this episode of New Cyber Frontier.
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Previous Episodes:
NCF-339 New Frontier of Individual EmpowermentNCF-338 Disrupting Markets by Cybersecurity Economics
NCF-337 Entering a New Year and New Phase for Cybersecurity
NCF-336 Confidential Computing Explained
NCF-335 Small Business Balances Cybersecurity Cost vs Value
NCF-334 Security Engineering for Industrial Systems
NCF-333 EDGE Symposium Presentation
NCF-332 Weaponized Documents and NCF-331 Small Business Security Measures
NCF-330 High-risk is a Reality