Welcome back, everybody, to New Cyber Frontier. In today’s world-changing episode, we have Guest Sagi Brody who is Chief Technology of Opti9 and Technical Advisor of Cyviation along with our host Dr Gorog. Mr. Brody has been in the digital infrastructure for about twenty-five years where he became Co-founder and Chief Technology & Product Officer at Webair. With cybersecurity growing vastly, the question has to be asked how does this affect aviation? When traveling via aircraft, captains request to turn off cellular devices or put them in airplane mode, This is due to the vulnerability that radio waves have on airplanes. You do not want to miss this episode of New Cyber Frontier where we Protect wings in the sky with cybersecurity.
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Previous Episodes:
NCF-339 New Frontier of Individual EmpowermentNCF-338 Disrupting Markets by Cybersecurity Economics
NCF-337 Entering a New Year and New Phase for Cybersecurity
NCF-336 Confidential Computing Explained
NCF-335 Small Business Balances Cybersecurity Cost vs Value
NCF-334 Security Engineering for Industrial Systems
NCF-333 EDGE Symposium Presentation
NCF-332 Weaponized Documents and NCF-331 Small Business Security Measures
NCF-330 High-risk is a Reality