Today we hear from Doug Britton at Haystack, who has come up with a great approach that tells us whether a candidate will be successful in a cybersecurity career. The CATA (Cyber Aptitude and Talent Assessment) relates to cognitive skills in various cybersecurity practices and jobs. This is excellent for job seekers and hiring managers alike. Doug brings student Maria Marquez, who explains her experience and how results were successful. We also demonstrate correlations between NICE (National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education) training and job classifications. If you are a hiring manager or a job seeker, you will not want to miss this episode and check out testing services at
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Previous Episodes:
NCF-283 Hacking to make Secure software
NCF-282 Cybersecurity Communication and Leadership
NCF-281 Miniature Sensors Control Cybersecurity
NCF-280 Setting up Diversity in Cyber Security
NCF-278 Making Cybersecurity More Inclusive
NCF-277 Marketing Of Cyber Security Products
NCF-276 What you need to know about NIST Privacy Framework
NCF-SR15 Convergence of Health care and Cybersecurity
NCF-SR14 Cyber Security Professional Specializing in Audit and Training