IToday’s show is about the secure development of software, known as DevSecOpps, as our guest calls it. We look at how to secure software from the perspective of someone trying to break it. Our Guest Ted Harrington has a background as a “Hacker” but has now turned from the dark side of the force to use his skills to help develop secure software. Ted has published a book called “Hackable.” After having the same conversation for years, Ted says the same ten categories kept coming to the top, and in his view, people were handling it the wrong way. We have a heated discussion on the divide between what our guest describes as “The way it has always been” and what he calls “The best approach.” Finally, he addresses the classic challenge of how security by design practices fit into a business. I think you will enjoy this new look at secure software development, where hackers and developers support each other by working together.
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Previous Episodes:
NCF-282 Cybersecurity Communication and Leadership
NCF-281 Miniature Sensors Control Cybersecurity
NCF-280 Setting up Diversity in Cyber Security
NCF-278 Making Cybersecurity More Inclusive
NCF-277 Marketing Of Cyber Security Products
NCF-276 What you need to know about NIST Privacy Framework
NCF-SR15 Convergence of Health care and Cybersecurity
NCF-SR14 Cyber Security Professional Specializing in Audit and Training
NCF-275 Incident handling and response for Fortune 100 Companies