On today’s show, Christopher Gorog hosts Isaac James and Dr. Steve Beaty of Devil Dog Security. They discuss certifying a business to level of maturity, controlled unclassified information, 3rd party assessors/auditors, and the importance of readiness. Listen and join in on the conversation!
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Previous Episodes:
NCF-234 Cybersecurity Operations in the Military
NCF-233 Campuswide Cybersecurity
NCF-232 Risk is a Four Letter Word
NCF-231 Building a Cybersecurity Force Multiplier
NCF-230 Why Cyber is the New Skilled Labor
NCF-CO18 Small Business Development Centers Support Cyber
NCF-229 Tools and Strategies for Industry Professionals
NCF-228 New Technology Spawned from the Pandemic
NCF-227 Understand Identity
NCF-226 New Concepts in Cyber Workforce Development