Welcome back, everybody, to the New Cyber Frontier. In today’s episode, guest Dave Singh, Confidential computing business development manager at Intel, provides us with a deeper look into software runtime security. Often known as Confidential Computing, it “Implements hardware protections for the computation of sensitive data and ID while it is actively being processed on the server.” (Mr. Singh) Explains how, in traditional execution, any other operation and process within the server has access to view the operations and extract the intellectual property or private operations of an executing process. With Confidential Computing, the process is run protected, so its operation is hidden even from the owner of the computer it is running on. Join in today and listen to some great explanations on how to protect your valuable intellectual property today.
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Previous Episodes:
NCF-334 Security Engineering for Industrial SystemsNCF-333 EDGE Symposium Presentation
NCF-332 Weaponized Documents and NCF-331 Small Business Security Measures
NCF-330 High-risk is a Reality
NCF-329 API Marketplace and Business Opportunities
NCF-328 How fast is the Cloud Migration Moving
NCF-327 Privacy Talk with Christopher Gorog
NCF-326 Cybersecurity Research
NCF-325 Security as a Business Value Proposition
NCF-324 Cybersecurity for Everyone