Today, we will look at economic and job growth in the cybersecurity industry with Chief Defense Development Officer Reggie Ash of the Colorado Springs Economic Development Corporation. Though Reggie represents regional economic development, it gives us a good cross-section that may be applied across the US and nationally. Staying up to date on economics is a big part of what we look at here at the new cyber frontier. In addition, Reggie gives us an exciting analysis of how the US government determines the location of significant cybersecurity agencies and programs. We welcome your comments about what you see in your area or your segment that may differ from what you heard today. Would you please give us feedback and recommendations for guests that might have a different perspective?
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Previous Episodes:
NCF-265 Predicting Future Malicious Activity On The Dark Web
NCF-264 Introducing New Host Tim Montgomery
NCF-263 Levels of Required Security Architecture for Businesses
NCF-262 Problem solving and Application Security
NCF-261 Becoming a Leader for Cybersecurity
NCF-260 How to Find The Next Big Cyber Product
NCF-259 Marketing Cybersecurity and Asking The Right Questions
NCF-258 FBI and Cybercrime Prevention
NCF-257 Not Enough People: Cyber Operations Need To Automate