Today on New Cyber Frontier, our host Christopher Gorog talks with today’s guests, Nicolae Goga, Cristian Taslitchi, Iuliana Marin, about the future of healthcare infrastructure. Personal healthcare information used for anything but an individual’s health is undoubtedly something unwanted, as there is no purpose other than misuse. So how do we secure such private information while also proving such information is forensically true? This topic, and many others, is discussed today in this episode of New Cyber Frontier!
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Previous Episodes:
NCF-303 Larry Karisny, writer at Quantum Ready Cybersecurity Systems
NCF-IEEE5, Claudio Lima, Co-Founder BEC-Blockchain Engineering Council
NCF-302, Sachin Shah, Chief Technology Officer at Armis
NCF-301 Mohammed Al-Ani, Contracts Officer at UNICEF
NCF-IEEE4 Diego Kaminker, HL7 International Deputy Standards Chief Implementation Officer
NCF-300 Tony Muiccio, Principal Cybersecurity Engineer at Black Tower Security
NCF-299 Holger Spohn, CIS Security Supervisor at NATO
NCF-298 Robert Wood, CISO and Servant Leader
NCF-297 Katie Adams,
associated with USDOL