On today’s show, host Chris Gorog talks with Jason Rupe about the future direction in blockchain technology. Blockchain, commonly known for its use in cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, has benefits in bringing trust to any distributable dataset. Listen to this episode of NCF as we explore the current research in blockchain for a cyber world built to be secure from the ground up.
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Previous Episodes:
NCF-252 Cyberwar to Stop Election Hijacks and Misinformation
NCF-251 Blockchain Technology and The Future of Cybersecurity
NCF-250 Roselle Safran, CEO & Founder at KeyCaliber
NCF-249 How important is industrial cybersecurity?
NCF-248 Data Forensics and Cyber Education
NCF-247 Are We Secure Enough?
NCF-246 How to Sell Cybersecurity as an Expert
NCF-245 CISOs Solve Unique Pandemic Cyber Issues
NCF-244 Should We Question the Security of the Cloud?
NCF-243 A Coordinated Approach Toward Stronger Industrial Cyber Security