The way you talk to yourself is the difference between those who are successful and the rest of humanity. Is, “can’t” a part of your diction? Do you talk to yourself the same way you would a close friend who needs help, or even a mentee? No. Instead, you lock yourself in your mind Read More
How Mike Cernovich Taught Me to Stop Stressing and Get in the Moment
In this video from his 30 day challenge, Mike Cernovich teaches us how to get into the moment in order to avoid becoming overwhelmed. We learn to ask ourselves present-inducing questions and then comment on what’s happening – to pay attention to what’s going on RIGHT NOW by thinking aloud about it. As an example, I’ll write Read More
Recreating Positive Energy
Creating the feeling of positive energy is most important to working through plateaus that we all experience in life. First, remember you are human; most of us treat ourselves worse than we ever would anyone around us. If we practiced our own self-talk on others, they would never want to be around us. You can Read More
Wisdom of the Week 9 – Charles Swindoll
Hello friends and welcome back to this WOTW in which we discuss a quote of the famous pastor, Charles Swindoll. “Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.” So the mentality that this quote creates is one of my absolute favorite mindsets to inhabit. It’s basically a perfectly succinct Read More