Today, we have an exciting episode, the second part of our “Year in Review,” where we look forward to what to expect in 2022. We bring back our panel from the first show, representing our user listener engagement selected panel. All four of our hosts join to discuss with our forum and provide some insights of their own. You may be surprised to hear the common themes our guest brings up for 2022, but you will not be able to deny that they will impact us in the coming year. As post-pandemic uncertainty grips us, each guest gives their perspective for its impact as we move into the coming year. We hope you have gained a lot of value from New Cyber Frontier over the last year and invite you to reach out to us to be a guest or sponsor a show. See part one of the series.
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BlockFrame Inc.
SecureSet Academy
Murray Security Services
Previous Episodes:
NCF-SR16 2021 Year in Review – Securing Critical Infrastructure
NCF-282 Cybersecurity Communication and Leadership
NCF-281 Miniature Sensors Control Cybersecurity
NCF-280 Setting up Diversity in Cyber Security
NCF-278 Making Cybersecurity More Inclusive
NCF-277 Marketing Of Cyber Security Products
NCF-276 What you need to know about NIST Privacy Framework
NCF-SR15 Convergence of Health care and Cybersecurity
NCF-SR14 Cyber Security Professional Specializing in Audit and Training