Welcome back, everybody, to New Cyber Frontier. In today’s Episode we have guest Eslam Tawfik Ph.D. .Dr Tawfik. studied advanced technology in Egypt. Cybersecurity is frequently used to describe the defense of digital networks, systems, and data against harm, unwanted access, and attacks. On the other hand, protecting the hardware and infrastructure that underpin digital systems is referred to as the physical part of cybersecurity. Securing the Root of Trust is a term you will hear throughout the talk, this is what Dr. Tawfik, explains as the set of underlying credentials that the security in each device depends upon. Cyber Physical security as you will hear also includes defending against different attacks to hardware devices, server rooms, data centers, and network connections, among other physical assets. Organizations can establish a more comprehensive security posture to safeguard their digital assets and infrastructure from various threats by incorporating physical security considerations with traditional cybersecurity procedures. Listen to this fascinating episode where our guest provides some insight that will resonate with many of you interested in the security of IoT and Critical Infrastructure systems.
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Previous Episodes:
NCF-339 New Frontier of Individual EmpowermentNCF-338 Disrupting Markets by Cybersecurity Economics
NCF-337 Entering a New Year and New Phase for Cybersecurity
NCF-336 Confidential Computing Explained
NCF-335 Small Business Balances Cybersecurity Cost vs Value
NCF-334 Security Engineering for Industrial Systems
NCF-333 EDGE Symposium Presentation
NCF-332 Weaponized Documents and NCF-331 Small Business Security Measures
NCF-330 High-risk is a Reality