In today’s episode, we are back with our three hosts, Tim Montgomery, Chris Gorog, and Dr. Shawn Murray. “The amount of data going into SIMS is too vast for humans to keep up with” (Murray). In addition, the sophistication of some cyber attacks outwits the human eye needing specific tools to catch in the programming languages. Enjoy today’s episode of NewCyberFrontier.
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Previous Episodes:
NCF-317 Cybersecurity Buzz wordsNCF-316 Recapping What We heard from our Guest in 2022
NCF-315 FAA Grounding Incident
NCF-314 Status of Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure
NCF-313 The Future of Cybersecurity
NCF-IEEE11 Applying Smart Contracts to the Energy Space.
NCF-IEEE10 Advancments of Health Technology and Cybersecurity
NCF-312 Understanding Those Starting in Cybersecurity
NCF-IEEE9 Blockchain Security and Energy Transition
NCF-311 Business Strategies with CISO