Logic Central Online is proud to support the Conscious World Foundation in their creation of Conscious World Day!
Conscious World Day (#CWDAY2016) is a day dedicated to helping develop youth around the globe to become the next generation of conscious leaders.
Founded by J.V. Crum III, it’s mission is to create a significant upward shift in the way that leaders and citizens envision what it means to win in a global world using the Triple Win™ concept that J.V. pioneered himself – You, others, and society winning together.
The Conscious World Foundation accomplishes this by awarding the Conscious Youth Leader with a $5000 scholarship to be used either for furthering their schooling or on their Conscious World Projects. The top ten finalists for the Conscious Youth Leader award, and their projects, are also all promoted through the Conscious World Foundation’s website and media network; shooting the awareness of these philanthropic efforts to the global level.
In this podcast, J.V. interviews the Top Ten Finalists for the Conscious World Scholarship Program about their stories and the projects they created to change the world; listen in below:
The Conscious World Foundation is also putting together leadership training events, podcasts, and webinars to help teach the next generation about three imperative qualities in a conscious world:
(1) Understanding and application of the Triple Win™ approach – you, others, and society winning together, as pioneered by our Founder, J V Crum III.
(2) Assuming personal responsibility for acting with integrity, being responsible for one’s own life and family, and becoming the highest expression of yourself and your potential.
(3) Becoming a contributor to our society by caring about others and society in ways that support our becoming a Conscious World.
If you are past the 25 year old limit for participating in the Conscious World Scholarship program, you can still help create a conscious world in many ways. The Conscious World Foundation Website provides opportunities to write blog posts, volunteer time to help build the foundation, donate, or even become a guest on the Conscious World Podcast in which you would discuss leadership in a conscious world.
For those of you who are 18-25, get started on your Conscious World Project, and we will change the course of the world together!