This next installment in the, “Things I Wish I Knew Earlier” series comes directly from Chris’s son, Max. Max had recently had a conversation in school with a friend about what they believe about the world, and it resulted in Max’s friend dissociating from him.
The key lesson here is that everyone has their own core belief patterns about the world. Touching on those patterns makes them uncomfortable, and confronting those core beliefs makes people downright hostile.
Chris teaches Max that it is a sign of the emotionally mature to be able to simply avoid these conversations, and if avoidance is impossible, to allow whoever you’re talking to to have their beliefs and respect them for it.
CWC 85 – From Learning to Work: To Working to Learn – With Milt Steiner… CWC 84 – Revolutionizing High School for the Next Generation… CWC 83 – Creating the Next Generation of Conscious Leaders… CWC 82 – Securing Critical Infrastructure Will Become the Next Big Tech Industry… CWC 81 – Engineering Successful Lives for Students… CWC 80 – The Logic Behind the Holiday Season: Hope for Renewal… CWC 79 – A Logical Breakdown of the Republican Debate… CWC 78 – Harnessing the Next Generation’s Talents For A Better World… CWC 77 – Work Past Where You Are To Maximize Your Success… CWC 76 – Jumpstart Your Life by Taking Control of Your Own Vision… CWC 75 – What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger… Previous Episodes of Coffee-With-Chris |
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