One of the biggest processes I’ve been asked by aspiring musicians and curious non-musicians alike, is how a song comes together. What is the process involved; and how can I do this myself? Sometimes it’s written out and outlined, like you would a book; and other times, it’s somewhat of a random process. Sometimes it’s Read More
India and America – The Best of Both Worlds
My name is Karthik Krishna. I was born in the year 1983 in the historic city of Hyderabad in India, and spent the first two decades of my life there. No matter where I travel and spend the rest of my life, I will be always be a Hyderabadi. There is probably a Read More
How To Become Your Ideal Self
“Just be yourself” Last week, I had posted a video about How to Date in High School. One of the most recurring comments I had received was that you shouldn’t worry about all of these details in dating, but rather you should just, “be yourself”. Malarkey. Being yourself is great. As long as you are Read More
Can My Personality Type Be A Leader?
How many of us have asked ourselves this question? Often as I read about what people call a leader, I would start to think that I do not have any of those traits. Lately, I have watched what appears to be a debate in which everyone is expounding upon their idea of which personality traits Read More
How To Date In High School
I’ve been thinking a lot about the things that I wish I knew in high school lately. I’ve come up with a ton of ideas that I will be sharing with you guys in the coming weeks, but the most prominent thought that came into my head was that of girls and dating. Dating Read More
Hijab, Niqab, and Burqa…Say What?
Hijab, Niqab, and Burka: Say What? “Hijab, niqab, burka, It sounds like some sort of exotic food.” As I ponder upon this question myself, I think about the different ways I may be perceived as a young women walking around in the state. I often wonder about my hijab, being the pride and joy of Read More
Recreating Positive Energy
Creating the feeling of positive energy is most important to working through plateaus that we all experience in life. First, remember you are human; most of us treat ourselves worse than we ever would anyone around us. If we practiced our own self-talk on others, they would never want to be around us. You can Read More
I am a Money Magnet – WTF
I had a friend that made a habit of putting sticky notes in opportune places in order to give herself reminders of positive sayings and such. I had a chuckle when I saw one on the corner of a mirror which said “U are a Munny Magnet” (spelled just as quoted). Being a very literal person Read More