“Just be yourself”
Last week, I had posted a video about How to Date in High School. One of the most recurring comments I had received was that you shouldn’t worry about all of these details in dating, but rather you should just, “be yourself”.
Being yourself is great. As long as you are someone worth being.
Telling someone to just be themselves is telling them to become a LOSER.
“Just be yourself” advocates a stagnating mindset.
It says that you are a perfect little special snowflake, and that you don’t have any room to improve yourself at all.
Be your Ideal self.
THAT’S a winner’s mindset.
Every single second the world is judging you for what you present yourself as.
What you project is what you are.
You may feel like you’re a super cool and kind dude, but unless you are exemplifying those traits; you aren’t.
So how are we going to project our ideal selves?
We’re going to listen to an old mentor of mine and, “PROJECT it until you PERFECT it.” … Or rather, project it until you BECOME it.
There are three major categories to work on; Physical, Mental, and Emotional.
Check out the video to hear the processes I describe in detail on how to present the best you, that you can be.